Delos-X's collection of suggestions

Heya! So; I got into Tower Unite and I really enjoy it! There’s a lot of potential in this game and I thought I’d like to give my input. I’m studying for games design, so I’m not a professional (yet), but I hope this’ll be useful for you guys. I’ll hopefully be adding more over time!


  • Inventory UI could use styling visually, along with an ‘expanded view’ that shows all of your inventory in a less compacted space. Perhaps hides or becomes see-through when an object is being dragged while in this mode.
  • Main menu is very nice, kudos to the designer(s) of the main menu.
  • Shows hats and objects player wears as if the third person model was shown. Hide models for first person


  • Amazing, professional quality design and environment. Concept artists, modellers, texturers and implementers did great work in general on the design. Never saw it on Gmod, but it transitioned amazingly to Tower Unite.
  • I know the arcade is unfinished, but if what you have now is what it’s going to be like, may want to improve things. Currently feels very ‘spacious’.
  • Perhaps raise the invisible wall in the games plaza area. Jetpack feels limited.
  • How do you get to the tables and chairs on the left hand side of the central plaza? :stuck_out_tongue:


  • instead of ‘Edit looks’, ‘Edit Object’.
    – Allow to enable or disable collision on an object
    – Flip an object
    – option to accurately move an object, changes it to axis movement and specific axis based rotation, with option to set global or local axis.
    – An option to scale an object, down to where it would be fine with the tiny potion (appears normal to people with this potion on)
    -Visual Feedback
    – Quite an obvious boundary in the water. Perhaps make it seem more natural or expanded. (the rocks that stop the player)
    – Distance environment could use work, is far too dark compared to condo environment in day time, though looks nice at night. Could use beaches on water connections.
    – Condo itself has no connection to land at all, just an island. Could perhaps use expansion from behind (it’sobvious that it’s an islandwhen on the roof)
  • Suggestion: Condo upgrades, perhaps with a (large) amount of money you can upgrade parts of your condo, such as a larger pool, style changes or other things.
  • Finer control on Day/Night would be nice, same with sliders in general.
  • Condo to lobby confirmation could use tweaks. ‘HEAD BACK TO THE LOBBY?’ as header, with ‘THIS WILL DISCONNECT EVERY PLAYER IN YOUR CONDO’ as a sub header.
  • Perhaps could port/recreate the original condo for use as an option, perhaps the second condo could be an upgrade.
  • Add either a kill zone or teleport zone underneath condo map, in case the player falls out of the map.
  • Add an option to ‘warn for adult content’, so it shows a warning if the condo has mature content. By the way, would just like to say that your stance on NSFW/mature content is great. c:
  • Tiny door update; opening/closing the door should start slow and gradually get faster. Also tweak end position of the open door so the handle is realistically usable.
  • When the logic system (buttons and stuff) is sorted, make all lights in the house controllable by them. Perhaps add a ‘light switch’ button and have that as a default object when starting your condo (a separate version to the store one, which sells for zero instead of half price).
  • PNG setting is fairly buggy, far too bright naturally (has a natural glow)
  • particles (confetti and money) appear ‘behind’ any PNG canvas. Doesn’t render properly in this respect.

Ball Race

  • Overall pretty solid and well made gameplay wise
  • maps could use visual updates in environments
  • Nimbus has pretty solid environment design, though tile placing and theme could use improvement
  • Memories has great tile placement and designing, though environment definitely needs work (idea: dreamlike). Memories render distance is very low.
  • Midori is strong in both aspects but fog should be improved (doesn’t affect water, looks bad) and ground environment could be updated.
  • Paradise has great environment and platform work, though texture on platform could be spiced up instead of just being a grid.
  • Increase size of teleporter activation/contact
  • Ball in UI is off-centre, though that’s probably on purpose to help show speed.
  • overall a pretty solid game-mode


  • Golf physics is pretty solid, works well though it can be hard to judge power.
  • Ball customisation UI not clear with colour selection (not obvious that the white is in centre and that saturation is controllable)
  • Visual feedback
  • Altitude has a very strong environment and design, doesn’t need much tweaking par from post processing strength (specifically DOF)
  • Gardens makes great use on UE4 light shafts and lighting, textures on rocks and environment could be improved. Clipping in third level with windmills
  • Waterhole is generally pretty good, trees might need to be improved because there’s obvious floating leaves and noticeable aliasing issues.
  • Caves level sound transition in Waterhole needs improving, is too obvious and should be moved deeper into cave entrance.

Planet Panic

  • Haven’t actually been able to play this myself since no one really plays it when I’m on, got a look at the environment though.
  • Camera flickers on the lobby screen while panning across the map.
  • Can tell that a cartoony style is the target, but some things are inconsistent (some textures or environment parts are a little too sharp to match the softness of rocks)


  • Needs the most development out of all the currently released minigames.
  • UI could you scale tweaking (minimap)
  • health bar for infected doesn’t match UI style.
  • Logo for Virus isn’t the best looking compared to the others, could use changes to match the style.
  • Collision detection for infected is bad (may be due to my connection), generally though I find it hard to infect players
  • Slight delay on M41A firing, may just be connection
    • Animations in general need updating, definitely make the game feel a lot worse in quality
  • First person animations need work the most. Most of them are far too ‘flow-y’ and just don’t feel all that satisfying
  • Hospital is fairly hard to learn, could use some tweaks to make telling the difference between areas easier
  • Particle effects for infected visuals could use some love
  • Infected needs a buff! The infected pretty much never win.
    – Perhaps add a lunge of sorts that slows movement speed after using it for a second.
    – Perhaps give a buff to the infected if there is only one infected after a certain amount of time (if there is more than 4 players or so)
    – Most overpowered weapon is easily the double barrelled shotgun, infected don’t tend to group up and this shotgun can easily kill a single one in one hit, when on your own. Imagine a group of double barrelled shotguns.
  • Perhaps add a loadout option that makes changes at the beginning of the round. First round could have random choices, or allow a timer that lets you pick your loadout. (understandable why you don’t have this though)


  • Anti-Aliasing needs improvement, highest setting is sub-par and leaves a lot to be desired. Try a different setting, if possible

Items and Objects

  • Confetti gun has a right click that produces no sound and works on a separate cooldown from left click.
  • We need a cat and dog plushie. Heck, I’d (try) and model them for you if I could.

I can answer for this really quick, there’s gonna be several arcade machines, air hockey tables, MAYBE pool tables (there’s a possibility pool will only be for condos) and skee ball machines, among many other things I’m sure, so it’ll fill up once development starts on it.

There’s an inventory screen which can be accessed via the Inventory tab of the pause menu, which is basically what your “expanded view” is.

That’s a bug, report it in Bug Reports.

IIRC, the current design is placeholder, so it’s probably going to be scrapped once the devs start working on the arcade.

That section is unfinished, but I’m guessing possibly through the elevator in Pulse once it’s finished.

Probably won’t be a thing, in terms of what you’re thinking of. There are plans of having a full-fledged condo editor, but that’s in the far future.

I believe that was already implemented in a previous update, but I may be wrong.

There’s a “glow” slider in the canvas options for cutouts; maybe you have it up? If so, turning it down would probably work.

That’s a bug, so it should be in Bug Reports. However, that’s more of an engine issue I believe.

It’s your connection. There isn’t any lag compensation or anything yet, so that’s why it happens.

yeah looks like FXAA.

I pretty much agree with all your suggestions. Some of them willl be part of the next update:

Something you didn’t mention was that too much physics stuff is calculated by the host. This affects most gamemodes in a negative way:

  • Virus: shots are delayed (on a 60hz monitor; 50ms ping: 3 frames delay, 150ms ping: 9 frames delay)
  • Ballrace: network spices cause random teleports (not as bad as in GMT though)
  • Lobby: jetpacks make you bounce like crazy and sometimes don’t even lift off the ground.

I agree, that’s this games main problem, that things you would think should be done client-side, to make the game seem more stable, simply aren’t being done client-side.

yeah the issue with making it client-sided is however that you have to implement anti cheat checks that can decide if an action was completely impossible (shooting through walls, moving with a huge velocity). But my hope is that it happens asap

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yeah but i don’t see that as a big issue atm, right now i’d take gameplay over security. Right now the community is small enough to just ban the people anyways. Besides, people find a way, the harder it is to hack a game, the more fun it is when you crack it.

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Damn, seriously? That explains EVERYTHING! :dizzy_face:

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Not really competitive…

Yeah, plus it explains why you die before even seeing the shot sometimes. By the time your computer is told they are firing, you’re already dead. GG

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It’s because the shooting doesn’t have predictions yet.


Just wanna start off by saying that we know a lot of these things. Game design is a lot of weighing pros and cons and deciding what is important first. Our game is immensely complicated and we go through different phases of each feature. We can’t get to everything at once.

We’re reworking the inventory in a later update. Equippables will be in a backpack area, condo items in a larger view. There’s a development thread that shows the old concept and where we want to go with it. Inventory System - #17 by macdguy

We want to hide it while dragging items, but there’s a bug currently that needs to be address before that can happen.

Thanks, it’s something I’ve been working on. I still think it needs a lot of work and it’s a piece of garbage, but that’s how my standards lie.

We do this. There is a bug when you first spawn that it shows the hats in first person sometimes, but if you toggle third person and first person the hats no longer draw in first person.

Thanks - from everyone at PixelTail.

We’re redoing the entire layout currently.

There’s a very good reason for this - optimization.

We plan to have doorways from the casino that lead to them.

We prefer the word “Looks” because it’s a simpler well known term as opposed to object. Also works for things that aren’t exactly objects like pets.

It was planned.

We’re working on better transform tools. But Lobby games are our current focus. This will come later in development.

Planned for later.

That’s on purpose.

We aren’t doing any cost upgrades in Tower Unite. Everyone gets everything in their condo fully unlocked.

We’re gonna be doing this in the next update.

Not until we have multiple condo layout saving. Also not really planned right now. One condo is enough work at the moment.

We have that.

Planned when parental controls are a thing.

This is an Unreal engine rendering thing. We can’t fix this without hurting performance and in my tests didn’t even look good.

Same as above.


This is a bug that’s fixed in the next patch.

It’s fine.

It’s as good as it’s going to get. Your ping definitely effects it and there’s not much we can do. Prediction is already a thing for player movement.

Weapon prediction is not done yet.

They’re being worked on way later.

The buff is team work.

We don’t want to do things like that with Virus. It doesn’t need it.

We have a plan for this, it’s just not finished yet. We had enraged mode back in GMod Tower.’

All the weapons do similar damage.

We will never do loadouts in Virus. Virus random loadout is what makes it interesting.

We cannot change this. This is how Unreal engine does it.

On purpose.


this looks like a changelog

This presentation explains why Epic implemented Antialiasing this way:

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Are the images cropped, or why are they so smeared?

? Where? In the presentation they are fine.

No matter what scale I view the pdf in, the images are really lowres. It’s like they took a really high definition picture and cropped the crap out of it :S

Dunno what happened sry

Thanks for all the replies! This got a lot more attention than I thought it would, so I don’t think I can reply to each and every one of you. I would, however, like to respond to Macdguy (thanks for responding!)

The way I got the list was just writing things down as they came to my mind; so it is (as you can tell) very messy and not organised. I just thought I’d pitch in, as I really like how the game looks so far. I’m gonna say that I’m glad that most of my actual suggestions are already planned; I just thought I’d say them because a) you might not have that planned and b) it shows that players support these ideas if planned already. I haven’t been able to check through the trello entirely (really cool that you keep development as open as this, though!), so that’s why a lot of my stuff was probably already suggested.

Remainders from when I originally wrote it out; was meant to be a subsection for that part of the list; then things got messy so I removed them (though I missed a few).

I didn’t come across it when I fell out of the map; but I suppose you probably added it in a recent update?

Understandable, I get prioritising things; just thought it’d be nice for those who prefer the older condo design.[quote=“macdguy, post:12, topic:9830”]
Suggestion: Condo upgrades, perhaps with a (large) amount of money you can upgrade parts of your condo, such as a larger pool, style changes or other things.

We aren’t doing any cost upgrades in Tower Unite. Everyone gets everything in their condo fully unlocked.

I suppose I should have worded this better; I meant expansions of the current state; say, for example, if you wanted a larger pool.

I won’t turn it into a massive list of replies, as I get and understand the rest of your replies you have. All I’d like to say is I wish luck in the development of Tower Unite, and I hope that it becomes even more successful than GMod Tower was. I’d love to personally assist you in the development of the game, but, as far as I can tell you’re not looking for any more developers at the moment. I have a experience in Unreal Engine, (high) experience on photoshop and lots of other things that I like to dabble in, with design being a big part of that for me.

I’ll stop advertising myself and just wish you all luck; I’ll be sure to stay tuned to the game and give feedback whenever I can. Thanks!

i didn’t like the original ´condo unlock system because it locked parts of your condo away, but a larger pool for the cost of less space and stuff like that sounds great, then it actually feels like you’re unlocking something and not just getting rid of a wall that was put in your way

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