Change the Spin to Win prizes during seasonal events

To incentivize further use of the wheel and to increase engagement during events such as Halloween and Christmas, I think that it would be worth changing the possible prizes on the wheel to reflect the theme of seasonal events. As someone who has all of the current prizes I have little reason to expand my potato collection further.

Changing the wheels prizes during events would incentivize players to flock to the wheel and spend units (thus encouraging players to play other games to win more money) as opposed to the wheel remaining underused.

Yes plz

As someone who has unlocked most of the rare stuff on the wheel already multiple times, I’d take it one step further and create multiple wheels that rotate out on a regular basis. Throw in some more rare/expensive items mixed in with Spin2Win exclusives beyond just potatoes and cacti and there would be a huge incentive to play them regularly, beyond just once or twice a year.

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I like this idea.

We’ve talked about this a few times and hopefully we’ll be able to participate more this year with the holidays. Last year we were too focused on other issues and couldn’t do our themed holiday events.


i cant wait to see everyone in every server crowding around the like 5 spin to wins and spamming e. The game already has a big macro problem. If this happens it will be even more active.