
Some people may know that during the Indiegogo there was a Cellphone option during the polls but it didn’t win. Beside that, a cellphone could be really useful at this point of the game.
The cellphone could have the next options:

  1. Private Messages System

  2. Condo Light Easier Customization

  3. Friends Localizer

  4. Online Shop (Tower Express)

  5. Activities? (Maybe creating some daily challenges for the lobby)

  6. Map/GPS (Interactive Map from the plaza and maybe the option of customizing it in your condo)

Some Ideas:
Player would need to buy it
It could cost 5.000/10.000 Units
Customization (Wallpaper, Sounds, Etc)

What Do You Think?

  • I love the idea
  • I like the idea but I would change it (Comment Ideas Please)
  • Meh
  • I don’t like it at all

0 voters

This has been suggested a ton. Please use the search engine before posting suggestions.


I did it but the last one was from a year ago

in-game cellphones would be pretty pointless IMO
all functions that they could do are better off not being tied to an item


Search before you post. Also this post is way more in-depth.