Canvases, but for .gifs

It would cost a little bit more (maybe 1,500 units) and have the same features as the normal canvas
But for .gifs


i think sometime they said it would be too laggy

I don’t see why. We’re already running videos on the TVs, in fact I believe I saw a video of someone putting .gifs on TVs. Obviously having a ton of TVs all playing something would cause lag, the same way having a ton of animated gifs would cause lag. So, if you don’t want your condo to be laggy, you only use a certain amount of animated gifs or whatever.

I personally see no issue with this suggestion and I think it would be a radical addition.

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i wasn’t objecting, i was saying what i think i remember i heard

The devs have stated that .gif files will not be supported for canvases. (Also moving paintings would be a bit strange)

Obviously it wouldn’t be an actual canvas. It could maybe be a resizable screen of some sort.

Anyways, if the developers don’t add it, I’m sure someone will when the workshop comes around.

you can put .gifs on tv’s

But that is expensive
so why not have an animated canvas that costs maybe, 2k or so?

I know .gifs won’t be supported, but it is possible to make animated textures using spritesheets. It’s been a while since I last played around with animated, transparent materials in UE4, but there are many tutorials out there. IIRC, you can even change the animation speed (since it is a variable) and number of frames to divide the inserted spritesheet (from an Internet URL) into.

Sexual condos would be even worse, but I still like it. Vote!

The devs have a planned parental control to make all canvases photos made by the dev team’s artist(s).


Ahhhh… Cool!

will one be a catsack?


This is the entire reason I came back on the forums. So here’s a bump with content!

I would very much like to see something like this added in the future, even if the devs currently said they dont want to do this! I will push for the features like-minded people want! I honestly cant see why they would be against adding them, other than for performance reasons.

Maybe there could be some sort of limit on them, such as you can only own 2 gif canvases or something similar.

I mean I honestly cant see this being any worse than the body-pillows…

