Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for stupid ban reasons :grinning:

Banned for using a grinning emoji. :expressionless:

Banned for using a expressionless emoji :kissing_closed_eyes:

Banned for reviving this thread and kicking it off with yet another 1v1. Canā€™t you just let this thread die?

Banned for believing this thread was dead when you and I are the most posted banners.

Banned for not having anything better to do.

Banned for replying to me a lot.

Banned for telling him not to reply to you. Freedom of Speech, man.

Banned for attempting a ā€œFreedom of Speechā€

Banned because we are all actually trapped in Purgatory, banning each other for all eternityā€¦

Banned for not celebrating the Anniversary of my Signup.

Banned for again begging for praiseā€¦ Tsk, tsk, tskā€¦

Banned for tutting.

Banned for completely ignoring the existence of this mega thread

Banned for banning yourself again for the sake of keeping this meme thread alive.

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Banned because you did not use :leopard:

Banned because i used that emoji to get first emoji badge.

Banned for banning yourself. Youā€™re meant to be banning the member above you not yourself!

And donā€™t call me a hypocrite.

Band fore bein a hypocrit XDDDDDD

I am so sorry.

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bant 4 beanig bed ate spelign