Any body of water to fish in?

The recent developer stream said that when fishing comes out the hope is to have every body of water able to be fished in. I have a few areas of question though where I don’t know if they will be fishable or not.

It’s mainly condo locations, such as the Suite fishtank and the Highrise pool.

It’d be nice for people who own those kind of condos to know ahead of time if they could fish in it or not so that they can plan their condo for it.


pretty sure you won’t be able to fish in your condo for the same reason community servers don’t pay out units- it’s privately hosted and could be abused.
correct me if I’m wrong.

Nah they said that you’d be able to. According to the stream, you have to be fishing in a natural body of water like the ocean in the original condo for example. They said you probably won’t be able to fish in pools, aquariums, etc.

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Up to now you will only be able to fish in the Condo and the Underwater Condo