[56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek

FPS limiter, huh? Good, :wink:

Saymon sais!

More coaster development!

Weird eyelashes and back of eyeballs!

i saw dat on discord


My school blocks the forums but not discord :confused:

March 3rd, 2017

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I was hoping the bold outline could be used for the Chat too. I’ve noticed a few times I’m unable to read the chat because the background is too bright against the text, forcing me to look in certain directions to read it. It’s most noticeable for me sitting on a machine in the casino.



This was a problem in GMT as well, and they added a customizeable stroke to the text. It worked perfectly.

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March 7th, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. For more detailed development updates, visit our Tumblr at http://pixeltailgames.tumblr.com/


OO! New emote for the baron!

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Love the new graphics options! More frames are always welcome for my old laptop :slight_smile:

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that last screenshot, subnautica much


"If you’re looking for me

You better check under the sea

Cause that is where you’ll find me"

March 9th, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. For more detailed development updates, visit our Tumblr at http://pixeltailgames.tumblr.com/


Just what we needed! Gives that classic GMT feel.

Oh dang! GMT memories!

Finaly an original votemap background look from the GMT