2017 predictions?

Write what you predict will happen in 2017.

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I will take 345 naps.

Starting now


Little crusaders will release


more terror attacks, more overrated celebrity deaths, more political correctness…

still way better than the entirety of human history



I predict a riot.

More Videos By Pixeltail.

A new Valve game may be officially announced. :1

it will never be announced… :frowning:

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E3 come back !

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There are whispers here and there of Left 4 Dead 3, which is much more likely than anything else if you ask me. We’d see it much sooner than Portal 3 or HL3.

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Haha, no.
Valve will never release a new game. Why risk the company’s reputation and fanbase by making a subpar game when you can make millions from Steam?

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Just because you can’t be optimistic doesn’t take away my right to be. Just saying.


2016 will end

Wait, that already happened…


LC will release and we will get at least a preview of the next gameworld.

I will have another birthday

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I will be loved

oh wait :confounded:

that the world will die in a flame of rage…oh and tower unite will get better then gmod tower

i love you

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WWIII, if not during the 3 years after 2017. Basically, we will all die.
