[][Little Crusaders] Pressing Shift Once Uses all Stamina

So I wasn’t quite sure if this was a feature or a bug, but either way this leads to an issue.

Right now in Little Crusaders, if you press the Shift key once, you will begin sprinting, even without holding it. (If this works as intended, then I can make a Suggestion to have it be more relevant) You cannot toggle it off, and you cannot stop sprinting until your stamina has depleted.

Even if this is what was intended, the main problem is that even if you are not moving, the stamina bar will run out. So you can press Shift, and then without moving, run out of stamina.

Sorry for this being so wordy, here’s the simple version:
Pressing shift will deplete your stamina without you moving, meaning that you can run (ba dum tss) out of stamina without even moving.

(Sorry if this is a duplicate or was already stated that it was going to be fixed or etc, I tried looking around but might have missed it q.q)


This is an intended feature and one of the core gameplay mechanics of the knight. Sprint, and when you use it, is key to turning off the dragon. It has a learning curve, but its one of the skill of the knights. It being limited in that way, helps balances the game for the dragon, as well.


In that case, it’s actually quite clever.

Thanks for clarifying that for me :grin:

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