Workshop textures

I like the textures you can choose from while editing walls and such, but if you want to have custom textures, your only option is getting a png from the web. It would be nice if there was a possibility to use the workshop feature to get more quality textures with bumpmaps and everything, like some of the textures you’re able to choose from the default textures the game gives you.
I don’t have a lot of knowledge of Unreal Engine 4, but it seems like the tools are there for it to be possible within the game engine and also the workshop feature Pixeltailgames made seems to be flexible enough for it to happen.

So a workshop category for full-on materials, right?

If I’m remembering correctly, this is something they’ve discussing in the past but I’m not sure if they’ve had technical difficulties.

Ideally they’d allow you to make Maps (textures) for the main material attributes:

  • Diffuse (Normal Texture)
  • Specular (Shininess)
  • Normal (Bumpmap)

Other attributes that would be good to modify:

  • Metallic
  • Roughness (Reflectivity and how the shine is spread)
  • Emission (Glow)
