Will We Be Able to Place Other Players' Items in Condos?

You’ll only be able to place down items that exist in your inventory, but you can edit / move items placed down by other players.

Permissions is done by assigning on each role or individual players.

There’s three groups of roles:
Admin - Complete control over the entire Condo, including the ability to set permissions on players
Member - A special rank that should only be given to players who you want to contribute to the Condo. This is useful to set default permission values for multiple trusted people all at once
Guest - A rank automatically given to players who are just visiting your condo

AllowBan - Ability to ban players
AllowKick - Ability to kick players
AllowMute - Ability to mute chat or voice of players
AllowNoclip - Ability to noclip
AllowServerControl - Ability to change server title, player limits, or private/public status
AllowServerSaveData - Ability to save/load condo data (dedicated only)
AllowSpawn - Ability to spawn items
AllowEdit - Ability to edit items, surfaces, and lights
AllowRemove - Ability to remove items
AllowMove - Ability to move items
AllowAreaCreation - Ability to create/edit build areas
AllowBlockedEntry - Ability to pass through blocked areas
AllowEnvironmentControl - Ability to adjust day/night or weather
AllowMediaAdmin - Ability to be a media admin (lock queue, remove queue items)
AllowSpecialItems - Ability to use weapons, projectiles, RC cars, instruments, jetpack, speed, potions, etc. (bypasses any global setting)
AllowSwitchUse - Ability to use light switches or other switches (bypasses any global setting)
AllowFlashlight - Ability to use flashlights (bypasses any global setting)

You’ll also be able to adjust default settings for Members and Guests.