Will Tower Unite have colonel pigmask playermodel?

Or anything similar to a chicken? Otherwise my name is useless D:

If it was a copyrighted model, then it won’t be in Tower Unite.

The currently planned player models for Tower Unite are the default player character, a skeleton, a dinosaur, and the milkcarton.

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There will be a chicken bucket hat, so maybe that could work? Don’t know what you’re looking for, really.


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As stated above, the Colonel Pigmask is a copywritten character, and will not be returning. I think it would be safe to assume that new gamemode replacing UCH however will have a Colonel rank and a playermodel to go along with it.

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One benefit of there being workshop content, is that people will most definitely port over GMT Playermodels, and add more custom ones (I know me and a few friends were already working on this)

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colonel knightmun for TU