What is your most common framerate in TU

Just tell your most common framerate

I have 40-60FPS (30FPS in some MG maps)
i’m playing on max settings :o

20FPS (because i have a potato computer but i can still run tower unite somehow)

Im not sure in the lobby but in my condo and games i get approx 115 frames

70-80FPS On Ultra No V-Sync.

120 in lobby and 150-200 in gamemodes on ultra settings

Around 170, in my condo at least

80 if I’m lucky

150 to around 200 in game worlds, around 100 - 150 in the condo (depending on amount of items) and plaza (depending on amount of players) on Ultra 1080p.

Around 30-65 FPS generally

18 :no_mouth:

I use Vsync, so I get a constant 60 fps.

*yells happily *

( If I rotate my screen 90°, I can get infinite fps! y’all scrubs…)

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about 85.




Depends on location (due to LODs and weird optimisation of the game).
Varies from 250+ to even 10+ in condos (250+ only if there’s nothing in front of me besides flat grass), started to drop to 140-60 fps in my condo when there were many canvases placed and players joined. Worst fps drops are at others’ condos (and it’s not only caused by canvases, I’ve seen someone placed like 10+ bookshelves and filled them with many single books, they could drop me drastically).
In gameworlds, I’ve never experienced any drops during gameworlds on my current PC in usage. Mostly in ballrace, it usually stays above 100 fps, with periods where I can reach 200 fps.

it takes 5 seconds to render a frame (not really though)

8 fps