User vs Moderation/Staff Team


I hope you aren’t driving over 50 mph!

51 mmmphs.

I regularly ride the bus for around 53 minutes

In 19 54 The castle bravo was tested

Ignore the space, bold refuses to work that way.

55 is the last number in the nato phonetic alphabet


57 is the last number in the nuclear warfare contingency plan

I would consider 58 to be a interesting number but it ain’t.

I have slapped myself 59 times consecutively after noticing 59 seperate grammatical errors in my writing.

60’s not interesting without a 9.

61- Wait, how long am i counting for until I start seeking?

62 was my age twenty years ago


64 is how many number values can be held in 6 Boolean variables, which would traditionally be any number from 0 to 63. This amount of data lies between a half-byte (16) and byte (256).

Then maybe 65 would appeal more?

There are 66 bananas on my table, help, I have an addiction to bananas, recommend me a therapist for bananas. Now there are only 42.

Missing : Element Times.
If found, call 67.

sixty eight