User vs Moderation/Staff Team

nope start over i wasnt looking



3, oh i guess i wasn’t that epic ;(
also 69 joke hehe

4 :////

5 :///////

6 ://////////////

7 :))))))))))

I would agree that we stopped at 730
So don’t ruin the game by skipping numbers or I will 8 you even more.

Get it? 8 is Hate?

9 sorry i just wanted to make a funne joke
Opacity didn’t get the joke though, so we skipped numbers.
even though i knew what the numbers was supposed to be.

but anyways, fresh start. sorry that i messed it up

Your apology is accepted. Now write 10 lines.

Now write 11

I would rather write 12

Im more of a 12 kinda guy
I MEANT 13 aaaaa

now im back, it means the devs will be to scared to mess with the holy number, otherwise i will bring the pain, the intellectual pain

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@DENMarkus it’s 15 now. Stop messing up the scoreboard.

16 heck

Don’t stop not messing with the scoreboard, it’s 10001 now.

its 18 billion now

Have yourself, a merry little 19.
Let your game be undisturbed…