
  • “Casino - Silver Saddles: Fixed your bet towards a winning horse not being rewarded back to you” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo: Fixed unset canvas material displaying as Sky Space” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo: Items that are hidden with Hide/Unhide or when hidden with the item finder now save their hidden state on condo load” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “SDNL: Fixed kills payout displaying when you have 0 kills” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo/SDK: Fixed “Goto” condo IO connection feature not working properly” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo/SDK: Fixed needing to double click to change item targets on condo IO connections” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed potion equipping being applied to clients if the host is toggling the potions” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed chat rules popup not closing if you close the chat window without closing the chat rules popup” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Trivia: Fixed Top Total Score leaderboard not updating while playing single player” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo/SDK: Fixed floating chat not clearing when the floating chat item is destroyed” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo/SDK: Fixed floating chat messages not clearing when dying while inside the radius or when an SDK map ends” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Arcade - Pluck-a-Pal: Fixed collisions with Obnoxious Citrus” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo: Fixed items that are hidden being desynced with clients who late join” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed names on collection book leaderboards being hard to read” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed SDK maps not loading sometimes on first time play” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Condo: Fixed custom item names taking priority of item types when grouped by type (would display a custom item name instead of Canvas Cube x4) in Item Finder” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed Damage Heal Volume rate value being ignored and not functioning” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “SDNL - Meadows: Physics crates now respawn when there is not enough of them anymore” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Fixed wearables not drawing in mirrors in first person when first person legs are enabled” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Arcade: Fixed soft lock with Arcade and Boardwalk Games when first playing them (such as Milk Jug Toss leading to not being able to toss the ball)” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Trivia: Fixed an issue where you could not be able to cast to a response with keyboard shortcut sometimes” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Trivia: Fixed many issues where players would not be put into the seats properly, or could get the game to soft lock” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Casino - Bingo: Fixed cards being assigned to the wrong screens” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Casino: Fixed long-standing issue where you could not get up from their slot machine if you just did an action or spun the wheel” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.