- “Condo: Fixed Haunted Piano song 5 not being playable” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
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- “Minigolf - Alpine: Reduced speed of movers on Hole 15” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
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- “Condo: Added “Can Hear Voice” setting to Location Volume, which will mute all voice chat even if the voice is from outside of the volume” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
- “Condo IO: Added Paste All from clipboard, which will paste multiple connections to the selected event” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
- “Condo IO: Added Copy All to clipboard, which will copy all actions/connections of the selected event to the clipboard” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
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- “Ball Race - GLXY: Adjusted materials/lighting to make things a little less bright” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
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- “Write changelog” has been checked off on the “Before Ship” checklist.
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- “Condo: Canvas Wedges face direction can now be changed, which will help with visual stretching on textures” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
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