TU Builder's Brawl #1 (May 2016)

Yay, thanks!

Friendly reminder that you have two weeks left to submit your creation!

Recreated stuff

Party Room

The wooden thing with the mac is a ā€œDJā€ thing. I never really liked it so I didnā€™t recreate it.

I couldnā€™t find a picture with the disco ball playing as well, sorry.

Planning on filling these with toasters, filled with cassettes. Because reasons.

There are no disco & rave balls (yet?) in the game so I used a projector for videos with sound visualizers and smoke and a bit of light for a bit more effect.

Ultra Surround Monitor Setup


Thereā€™s some more monitors outside of this screenshot. Notice the Tower Unite DVD case (Thanks to @SOCKS) and the GMT mousemat.

Obama in the swimming pool


Thanks @Joshaloo for the obama cutout!

Living room




Teleportation Chairs


You would go sit in the chair and it would teleport you outside. This way you didnā€™t have to buy the condo upgrade.

New stuff

All GMT posters

You can find the posters here on my website.


Complete with lobby 1 hallway and moving boxes.

GMT Character Tribute

I loved my GMT character, especially the [PENIS LABEL] and later the [TURTLE LABEL].

Tiny Gallery

And even later, I had the [CONDO LABEL] shown in the second picture. The last picture is me laying in a tree and two handsom spacemen sitting on top of me having a chat.


Remember, thereā€™s only a few days left! Iā€™d be happy about a few more submissions - remember that you can win a Steam game!

Iā€™ll also change the way how people vote on things. In about 2 days, I will open a poll and everyone will be able to vote on their favorite creations. This is much more fair for people who have submitted later.


Just a heads up, I am dropping out of the building competition. I lost my huge GMT shrine when I reformatted and will not be making a new one. R.I.P. Narnia!

Best of luck to all competitors! May the best condo win. :smiley:

Sorry for the delay, but I totally forgot about the poll due to private problemsā€¦

Poll: http://goo.gl/forms/xu3bZE4Nc9hWAK753

I probably wonā€™t be doing a second one. The idea got well received but the amount of people who actually participated is low. Thanks to the three people that did participate though.

Winner gets announced in ~24 hours

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No worries on the delay, a couple days is fine. :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s a bummer to see only 3 different people participated. I totally could have won if I didnā€™t accidentally delete my shrine. R.I.P.

I think more people would be interested in doing this, but you may need to do a little bit more advertising. (In-game and on the forums before you actually begin the contest)

I would of joined in if I had anything good to contribute.

Thatā€™s quite a lot of self-confidence my friend.

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True, and Iā€™ll never know because I no longer have pictures of it. But (and I donā€™t mean to offend to any of the people who entered) the three different contest entries for this month werenā€™t that amazing. :sweat_smile:

My vote was for Herobrine with the GMT Memory Wall / canvas art studio.


The poll shows me that people want more of this contest. Iā€™ll continue it. Maybe not this month but it will come back


24 hours are over, and the winner isā€¦ @Herobrine! Congratulations! :grin:

Please add me on Steam to claim your prize - A game!

Thanks to all participants, see you next time!


Thanks for hosting the first Builders Brawl Mikusch!

Awesome, glad to hear it! Let me know before you do and I may throw in a prize or two if Iā€™m feeling generous. Iā€™ve got over 250 Steam CD keys just sitting in a passworded excel file and I give away games from time to time. :smile:

Proof: (bottom of the list)

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Why do you have all these?
Also could you post a version without the keys, iā€™m curious as to what you got

I have bought a lot of different bundles and packs over the years. I found out about Humble Bundle back when they were still little guys. They used to give you steam keys for even a $0.01 purchase. And there were no tiers, you would pay what you want for the entire bundle. So I shamelessly bought a few 1 cent bundles and $1 bundles (when they raised the mandatory minimum donation to $1 to stop the key sellers. Thank god they did that).

In addition to that, they used to have no security for the download page whatsoever. You could google ā€œHumble Bundle Julyā€, and some of the results would have the ā€œYour Humble Bundle Receiptā€ code that is literally the download page. There were no CD keys, but you could download all of the games DRM free. (Did I mention they always promised DRM free too? The poor indie devs had their games plastered about the internet for next to nothing)

Now they are huge with their own shop and many different simultaneous bundles. Online game sales have come a long way, and I donā€™t think I could ever buy from a brick and mortar game store like GameStop anymore. And Iā€™m no longer one of those $1 warriors, when I buy a bundle nowadays itā€™s one that raises the average price. :smile:

Sure, no problem. My table is sorted by name so itā€™s easy to look through it. Hereā€™s a Pastebin list that deletes in two weeks: (Ignore the quotes, just a formatting bug from the paste)

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Thatā€™s quite the list. Iā€™m impressed. And yeah i figured you probably got it from HB :stuck_out_tongue:

You got Risen 2 aswell? Noice

Hehe, HB was a main contributor. Gotta hand it to BundleStars, IndieGala, and a few others though. There was a group of guys who were keeping and maintaining a list of all active bundles. They would constantly be adding different sites up. Including GIVEAWAYS. There are tons of different sites that do bundles that youā€™ve never even heard of. Like Groupees

Indie Kings Bundle Tracker List:

PS: There is a free Battlefield Hardline Getaway & Nox on Origin

Yupp, haha. But do people play it?

I started playing Risen 1. Itā€™s a pretty good game so far. Deepsilver knows how to build good openworld rpgs. My m8 is playing throuhg it aswell thanks to family share. He would love to have Risen 2 aswell for sure!

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Thatā€™s good to hear. Thanks for the recommendation Iā€™ll definitely check it out. My steam account has over 500 games now so it can be really hard to pick out which ones are good.

The Steam Depressurizer has really helped with finding things by breaking them down into different categories. But the list is still massive and there are hidden gems everywhere. :smile:

Preview (May take a bit to load): http://i.imgur.com/ltGKQjP.gifv