Total Loss Counter

This has been suggested a few times and has resulted in some interesting discussions, sadly it seems that the devs do not want to add this feature for a number of reasons, a few of them can be found here:

Some mentions and discussions about these total loss counters can probably also be found on the discord, but you will need to search through a lot of text to find em if they’re there.

So since these counters have been requested a few times i have come up with two mathematical formulas, the first one allows you to calculate the amount of units you have spent while the second calculates your total profit (or loss).

The first one:
Note: This formula has been split into two parts for simplicity. And because i couldn’t find any website saying that “x + y = z + w = p” is a valid mathematical formula.
Unit counter after playing = X
Unit counter before playing= Y
Profit = P
Total Win counter = Z
Units lost = L
First part: X - Y = P
Second part: Z +/- P = L
The +/- will be explained in a bit

First part: 75829 - 67839 = 7380
Second part: 7380 - 8430 = 1050
Explanation: Take the number on your unit counter after having played on the casino machine and subtract with the number on your unit counter before you started, the resulting number shows profit.

Depending on if the Profit value is a positive or negative you can do one of two things:

If the Profit value is positive: Take the number from the “Total Win” counter and subtract (-) the Profit value to get the total amount spent.

If the Profit value is negative: Take the number from the “Total Win” counter and add (+) the Profit value to get the total amount spent.

The second one:
Unit counter after playing = X
Unit counter before playing = Y
Profit = P
Formula: X - Y = P

Example: 75829 - 68449 = 7990
Explanation: Take the number on your unit counter after having played on the casino machine and subtract with the number on your unit counter before you started, the resulting number shows profit/loss.
If the number is positive you have earned a profit.
If it’s negative you have lost units.

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