The how to tutorial powered by YOU!

Step C: <-- this looks like a smiley face
so you have to smile right now irl billede

Step D: Don’t look upset.

Step F: Remember the alphabet!

step 0111: we use binary now

step 00110010: use this

Step 00110011: Become a robot.

Step 18: then we go back to the normal number system

Step 19: Wait for a good hit.

step 20: dance :man_dancing:

step 21: dance 2.0 :dancer:

Step 22: Play bowling. :pill::rabbit2::bowling:

Step 23: :heavy_dollar_sign: :ring: :tropical_drink:
the first one to get this one gets a trophy

Step 24 : Celebrate me becoming an adult.

step 25: Don’t celebrate 1 year less from you dying and losing everything you have in life and saying your last goodbyes to your friends while they sit next to you.

jk congrats. :cake: :confetti_ball: :hugs:

Step 26: Dance for Agent is now a adult :man_dancing:

Step 27: eat cake :cake: :ok_hand: :smiley:

Step 28: set off the party poppers

step 29: guess this riddle
:ring: :ring: :ring: :ring: :ring: :ring: :banana: :phone:

step 30: figure out the riddle
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring BANANA PHONE!!!


step 31: guess the second riddle!