The ability to lock in a URL on video playback

I made a video game art gallery in the gallery condo initially and whilst I only had a few players join to take a look most were positive and liked the idea. So naturally I’ve upscaled and recently purchased the resort condo.

In my previously small condo I was able to quickly run around and set video playback started on the few screens I had set up for moving imagery. However In this larger place with more videos it’s almost impossible for me to get around a bunch of screens before the first one runs out. I could que the video multiple times. But this resets each time I reload the condo.

Please can we lock in a URL on video in our condos. This may well be on the way already. But I couldn’t find anything With a quick search.

I am unable to post this topic ‘cannot leave category blank’ so I’m posting it here to see if this changes anything from ‘suggestions’ category

Edit: for the first time in about a week I’ve been able to post Woohoo!"

I suggested something similar [Media] Autoplay & repeat option and it got a few votes so it seems like something people would like

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