Storage boxes?

I got this idea while I was thinking about games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim where you can store your items in chests at your player houses.

Perhaps there could be a way to store items in a storage box or chest or something? This would help to organize our building plans for condos.


Yeah, like the vaults from Gmodtower.

It’d be great for sorting items, but I think this should be after EA.

This is a neat idea, (I said it on the discord, can we shoot big and get a Scrooge McDuck style Vault?)

Wouldn’t this go in the item suggestion thread?? (not to be rude :mask:)

Something we definitely need, helps me keep stuff seperated and organized rather than stashing everything in my inventory.

He’s not suggesting a specific item, it could even just be making a functional vault as part of the map again.

Like literally everything else added at this point?

I actually kind of meant it as an item. I want to organize my condo projects with storage boxes.

Well, we DO have those tote boxes. You can decorate with those?

He means like a box to place your items in.