Spotify intergration

Dear developers,

I was wondering if it is or will be possible to implement a way to use spotify on media players. I find it quite annoying to constandly request new songs instead of just adding one of my own playlists. I want to know your and other’s opinions on this, for I think using spotify as a medium is better and easier to use than for example soundcloud and youtube.
Hope to hear what you all have to say about my idea.

This has been suggested before.

Please use the search function before making a post as seen here

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Bit of a necro but I’m sure it’s fine. Have you tried converting your Spotify playlists to YouTube ones for easier queuing? I’ve found some sites that might be able to help out:

I’ve only ever used the first one (even though it looks real shady compared to the rest) and managed to find the songs on YouTube and made me a list. Perhaps some songs won’t be found on YouTube but it is what it is. Best of luck!

Yeah there is a way actually a tool called MusConv that allows transfer of playlists across platforms.