Question about how workshop maps will work

I was wondering this morning, are these things gonna be community voted on (to get added into the game) or will you just be able to pick a random map from the workshop. (I sure as hell hope its community voted, I really want maps to keep there outstanding quality)

I think we’ll just be able to pick maps we want to download and play, with anyone wanting to play first downloading the map. That makes the most sense, if you don’t want to play bad maps then don’t play them.
If it was community voting then that would get too complicated as the devs are already doing a lot of work, monitoring submissions to add to the game adds on a lot more.

They don’t even need to moderate what maps get chosen, they could hire (not pay) but hire community members (such as regulars) to pick what maps get added based on community support.

I don’t understand how thats any better? People are still going to flood it with bad maps. If you’re so concerned about quality then I wouldn’t be expecting it from the workshop, there’s a lot of great stuff but also a lot of bad stuff. Just play the stuff you like, ignore the stuff you don’t.
Not to mention, community members arent able to add maps to the game. The developers still have to take time away from what they’re doing to do that.

edit: and if i made a map, i’d want to be able to play it with my friends, not submit it to be added to the game.

community members aren’t able to add maps into the game? I am confused, who would add them into the game? Could you provide more context?

The community members couldn’t implement the maps into the game by themselves, they’d just pick which ones to put in. Then, a developer would have to put the map in the game’s files, test to make sure it works right, and then push out an update with that map in it.

oh. That doesn’t sound too bad.

I don’t think this makes much sense anyway. We’re able to freely pick any playermodel we choose, why would maps be any different?

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quality control i suppose, its easier with models, harder with maps.

quality control doesn’t exist though since it’s the community’s place to contribute stuff. as long as content follows the rules, you can put what you want on there. it can be as bad or as good as the person making it wants it to be, that’s the steam workshop.

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i find playermodels and maps to be 2 very extremely different aspects to the game, I feel that with the playermodels, we should be free to go nuts. Maps on the other hand I feel that tu needs some measures in place to ensure players have a streamlined and fun experience. Playermodels dont really change the gameplay of the game, only the aesthetics. Maps on the other hand do. That’s why I want quality control in maps.

I really want maps to be a thing you can just pick and play. I don’t want to have to rely on maps chosen by devs/community members, I just want to pick a map I think looks good or silly and play it.


You can choose to play bad workshop maps, or you can choose to play good, high rated maps. I agree with rrmm, I don’t want to have a limited set of maps. People should be able to upload anything, quality control will destroy the creativity of the maps.