Plaza Events



This card has no description.

Core Checklist

[ul][li]Decided on what Lobby events are defined by (Major, Minor, etc.)[/li][li]Global event system for Lobbies[/li][/ul]

Gameplay Checklist

[ul][li]Event handler[/li][li]Events tie into dialogue system[/li][li]Minigame host[/li][li]Minigame loop[/li][li]Minigame spawning handler[/li][li]Minigame scoring[/li][li]Minigame leaving and joining while the game is going[/li][li]Minigame score storage (incase a player leaves the minigame)[/li][li]Minigame HUD[/li][li]Minigame HUD game description [/li][li]Minigame HUD score effect[/li][li]Minigame HUD rank list[/li][li]Minigame HUD timer[/li][li]Minigame HUD weapon HUD[/li][li]Minigame combo HUD[/li][li]Minigame combo system[/li][li]Minigame scoreboard support[/li][li]Minigame handling of equippables[/li][li]Minigame handling of potions[/li][li]Minigame weapon handling[/li][li]Minigame announcement message (for chat)[/li][li]Minigame respawning handling[/li][li]Minigame scoreboard (physical 3D scoreboard)[/li][li]Minigame clean up (half there)[/li][li]Minigame extra variable storage[/li][li]Minigame payouts[/li][li]Minigame handle players who are already in the area[/li][li]Minigame animate the change to the lobby[/li][li]Minigame HUD score description (aka “long shot!”)[/li][li]Minigame announce in chat the winners[/li][li]Event finished announcement[/li][li]Minigame handle toggling player damage (for deathmatch minigames)[/li][li]Minigame handle portals (sub arenas for minigame)[/li][li]Minigame HUD health (adjustable for each minigame)[/li][li]Minigame respawn delay system[/li][/ul]

Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)

[ul][li]Decide on event list[/li][li]Displaying events on an event board so players know what events to expect for the day and at what time they can expect them to happen. Some events may be obscured or randomly chosen, still[/li][li]Events tied to day/night system should be investigated (an in-game clock (maybe a clock tower) would be required as users can turn off the day/night visuals)[/li][li]Explore events that are character related (mini-quests or one off achievements)[/li][li]Investigate daily prize events[/li][li]Investigate daily events that temporally buff payouts or awards[/li][li]Investigate daily highscore events for Lobby games[/li][li]Investigate daily item awards (maybe a character in Lobby gives these out)[/li][li]Investigate community-driven events (weekly best condo, weekly Lobby parties)[/li][li]Investigate item raffles (it’s like the lottery event for Casino, but with items)[/li][li]Investigate cooperative Lobby events[/li][/ul]

Minor Events

[ul][li]Metal Detector: New Items On Beach (prototype)[/li][li]Character visit system[/li][li]Weather event system[/li][/ul]


I hope they’ll make places such as this, less pointless.


Damn, I forgot about the area behind the tower… It should totally be the event area now that you mention it.


Doesnt look like anything to me. (GET IT???!)


Im pretty sure im the one who made this a thing on the trello.

sorry but I think this was already planned and the recent announcement is probably the reason why it was added to the trello.


I want events with aliens and dance floors

[ul][li]A new checklist named “Whisper Events” has been added to the card.[/li][li]A new checklist named “Minor Events” has been added to the card.[/li][li]A new checklist named “Major Events” has been added to the card.[/li][li]A new checklist named “Checklist” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Decided on what events are defined by (Major, Minor, etc.)” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][li]“Decided on what events are” has been un-checked on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][li]“Decided on what events are” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]A new checklist named “Preplanning Event Systems (desirable goals)” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]The checklist “Checklist” has been renamed to “Core Checklist”.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]The checklist “Preplanning Event Systems (desirable goals)” has been renamed to “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)”.[/li][/ul]


Oh boy

[ul][li]“Investigate daily prize events” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][li]“Explore events that are character related (mini-quests or one off achievements)” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][li]“Events tied to day/night system should be investigated (an in-game clock (maybe a clock tower) would be required as users can turn off the day/night visuals)” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][li]“Displaying events on an event board so players know what events to expect for the day and at what time they can expect them to happen. Some events may be obscured or randomly chosen, still” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Investigate community-driven events (weekly best condo, weekly Lobby parties)” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Investigate daily item awards (maybe a character in Lobby gives these out)” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][li]“Investigate daily highscore events for Lobby games” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][li]“Investigate daily events that temporally buff payouts or awards” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Investigate cooperative Lobby events” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][li]“Investigate item raffles (it’s like the lottery event for Casino, but with items)” has been checked off on the “Pre-planning Event Systems (desirable goals/brainstorming)” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]A new checklist named “Gameplay Checklist” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Minigame host” has been checked off on the “Gameplay Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]