Player Model Help

Hello, I’m Matt. I was trying to create a player model in Tower Unite, but on import I got a compile error saying “Morhing target mesh must be a single” I made the files from only using .dae files from blender. No other file was used.


Hello, Matt!
You need to make sure your playermodel is a single mesh before you import it. Depending on your software, the way you do this is different.

Blender- Right click every object, then select “Merge” in your toolbox.
Maya - Select every object and select “Combine” from the Polygons shelf.

You may need to adjust vertex weights again (for Maya, at least), but your whole model should be listed as one object.

Alright, thanks. I’ll try to do that.

Ok, so I was able to update you now. When I tried this, I got a new error. It said “invalid contents in element ‘n’”