Pet costimization

I feel like all pets should be costimizable such as a melon. I want a Melon with sunglasses ok?



Would it be better to have hats on pets or different unique pets (aka pet with sunglasses, etc).

  • Hat support for pets
  • Unique/rare pets (pet with sunglasses)

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like a shiny pokemon
a rare chance to get a really cool thing that i can show off to other people
yes please

Hats for pets sounds more customizeable, though. Rare/Unique pets can always be added independently of a pet wearables system.


I think having rare or ‘shiny’ variants would be cool but I’d like to be able to pick the accessories I put on it.

Maybe have a rare variant called “Customizeable Melon” or something that allows you to equip any hat on it as a compromise, rather than a single rare version that comes specifically with sunglasses or whatever.


I made the suggestion for a friend who said he would buy this game if you can put sunglasses and items on the pets

Honestly I’d be cool with either on the condition that the hats for pets doesn’t cause any performance issues

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Why not both?

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