"Newton's Apples" Timer Should Start When You Start Dropping

It’s frustrating to time when the machines starts, because if the cylinder is in the wrong place it makes it significantly harder to get all fifty apples. It’s already difficult, but I would appreciate if the timer began once you started dropping apples. And if you had a certain amount amount of time to begin dropping before the timer starts anyway. It feels a lot more fair that way

I completely agree with you, I had trouble with this earlier, it’s hard enough to get all 50 apples in, and even harder when you waste half of a second or a second waiting for the cylinder to come around.


How do you get 50 in? It’s obviusly possible because there are screenshots for it but I can’t figure out a way to get 4 in a bucket, much less all 50 deployed at 3 a bucket before the timer runs out.