Multiple Condo Purchase

For example allow top buy Smooth Dirt condo multiple times. In case someone had multiple ideas like me. I turned my Smooth Dirt Condo into a forest themed one but I also want to make a city, but that’d require starting over. If I could purchase Smooth Dirt again, it’d allow me to have my forest condo and my city condo seperate!

Have you looked into using Condo snapshots for this?


You don’t need to buy smooth dirt again just to make a new condo build
You can just save your current build and clean up the condo and build some new stuff

Just press TAB and click on “settings”, then click on “save/load” and select the giant “save new snapshot” button, then give the snapshot a name and click on “submit”

Now your current stuff is saved and can be reloaded at any time, so now you can easily click the “reset condo” button and start working on a new project without worrying about losing your stuff.


What @Heavysteam said