[] Lonely Gun 30XX Center Target Bug

I searched to see if anyone else had made a post already but I didn’t see it so excuse the post if someone else has, thank you.

When playing lonely gun 30xx in the arcade I and at least one other player have noticed that when attempting to shoot the center target the light flash indicator for your shot appears very close to the player and your shot does not connect with the target. This seems to happen on all three machines.

Bumping this! I am trying to get some of the Lonely Gun achievements but this is still an issue. It’s very reproducible. Basically trying to shoot where the mug will appear will cause the shot to appear in front of the camera as if you are shooting something right in front of you.

What items did you have equipped or are wearing? Cause usually it can be an issue with that.

Is there an easy way to show you? Can I screenshot a UI or something?

Yeah just a screenshot of your hot bar would be great.


Here is my wearables hot bar, also the only accessory I have equipped are the “Rainbow Stars”.

I took off my workshop model and I was able to shoot the mug.

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Not sure if it matters but this is the workshop character model I was using: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1681157552

I think this might be related to this issue, which seems to be similar to this that had been fixed in the past. This particular one doesn’t need you to have any equippables equipped.

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Thank you for helping. I’ll take a look into what is going on.