Launch options might run the game faster... (NO THEY DON'T, please ignore this topic)

The first time I ever launched TU, my PC would just run out of memory (with any other program closed).

Of course, it freaked me out for some times.
But then I tried to put some launch options to see if it would work.

And apparently, it did! The game ran :smiley:
(Iā€™m not 100% sure the launch options did this thoughā€¦)

So, you can eventually try to put some launch options, found here, in the ā€œLaunch Options to Adjust Detail Levels and Graphic Renderingā€ part:


You will want to input those options, by right-clicking the game name in your steam library, then choose ā€œparametersā€, and then choose ā€œlaunch optionsā€. (game must be closed)

Past them in the box, and it will do it.

Like I said, Iā€™m still unsure if the launch options helps to run the game fasterā€¦ (I cannot remove them atm, to see if my PC would run out of memory againā€¦ Iā€™ll try in few hours, but donā€™t hesitate to try it yourself :slight_smile: )

Donā€™t hesitate to lower your graphics settings in the game, and lower your resolution too a bit!

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These dont actually do anything, theyā€™re all source launch options.

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Welp, youā€™re right :v
I removed them, the game ran like normal.

Thanks for responding :slight_smile:

I refuse to ignore this topic! Purely to be contrary! :new_moon_with_face:

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