Kingdom Quality of Life Update



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Difficulty Adjustments

  • Hole 2: Moving platforms on the sides slowed down by 25%
  • Hole 3: Moving platform slowed down by 25%
  • Hole 4: First moving platform slowed down by 25%.
  • Hole 4: Second moving platform slowed down by 50%.
  • Hole 4: Spinning hole slowed down by 50%.
  • Hole 5: Slowed down first moving platform by 25%.
  • Hole 5: Doubled height of the moving ball stopper to make it more visually noticeable.
  • Hole 5: Widened the entrance into the hole platform to reduce the odds of falling into the river in the final shot.
  • Hole 5: Reduced the support beam structure's height below the second moving bridge to stop the ball from being incorrectly marked as out of bounds.
  • Hole 5: Slowed down the second moving platform/bridge by 25%.
  • Hole 5: Added a back wall behind the hole to prevent the ball from bouncing out of the hole.
  • Hole 7: Slowed down moving side walls by 25%.
  • Hole 7: Slowed down beginning moving platform by 33%.
  • Hole 7: Added an indentation in the platform before the backwards-ramp to prevent very difficult situations where a player has to bounce backwards onto the end lane from one of the far ends.
  • Hole 8: Slowed down moving platforms by 25%.
  • Hole 11: Fixed the odd geometry on the ending ramp.
  • Hole 11: Increased par by 1.
  • Hole 11: Reduced moving platform speed by 20%.
  • Hole 11: Added a booster to ensure the player makes it all the way around the curved section.
  • Hole 13: Decreased the speed of the moving barrier near the first geyser.
  • Hole 13: Added a booster along the length of the failure pit to move the player closer to the first geyser area so they can see the moving barrier.
  • Hole 13: Increased the height of the first geyser's moving barrier to make it more visible.
  • Hole 15: Added a wall barrier on one side of the first moving platform to decrease the difficulty of making it across.
  • Hole 15: Decreased speed of the second moving platform by 20%.
  • Hole 15: Decreased the speed of the final two moving platforms.
  • Hole 16: Increased the length of the bounce-back barrier at the beginning by 25%.
  • Hole 17: Removed the arrow from the indicator at the beginning. This was removed to clarify that the indicator is meant to simply display the current location of the moving platform, and is not meant to tell the player when to putt.

Map Changes

  • Adjusted overall map lighting.
  • Changed the color of moving platforms.
  • Added light bulbs to the lamps in the city.
  • A new checklist named "Map Changes" has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named "Difficulty Adjustments" has been added to the card.
  • "Hole 4: Spinning hole slowed down by 50%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 4: Second moving platform slowed down by 50%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 4: First moving platform slowed down by 25%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 3: Moving platform slowed down by 25%" has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 2: Moving platforms on the sides slowed down by 25%" has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Added light bulbs to the lamps in the city." has been checked off on the "Map Changes" checklist.
  • "-Changed the color of moving platforms." has been checked off on the "Map Changes" checklist.
  • "Adjusted overall map lighting." has been checked off on the "Map Changes" checklist.
  • "Hole 7: Slowed down beginning moving platform by 33%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 7: Slowed down moving side walls by 25%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 5: Added a back wall behind the hole to prevent the ball from bouncing out of the hole." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 5: Slowed down the second moving platform/bridge by 25%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 5: Reduced the support beam structure's height below the second moving bridge to stop the ball from being incorrectly marked as out of bounds." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 5: Widened the entrance into the hole platform to reduce the odds of falling into the river in the final shot." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 5: Doubled height of the moving ball stopper to make it more visually noticeable." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 5: Slowed down first moving platform by 25%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 13: Added a booster along the length of the failure pit to move the player closer to the first geyser area so they can see the moving barrier." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 13: Decreased the speed of the moving barrier near the first geyser." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 11: Added a booster to ensure the player makes it all the way around the curved section." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 11: Reduced moving platform speed by 20%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 11: Increased par by 1." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 11: Fixed the odd geometry on the ending ramp." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 8: Slowed down moving platforms by 25%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 7: Added an indentation in the platform before the backwards-ramp to prevent very difficult situations where a player has to bounce backwards onto the end lane from one of the far ends." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 17: Removed the arrow from the indicator at the beginning. This was removed to clarify that the indicator is meant to simply display the current location of the moving platform, and is not meant to tell the player when to putt." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 16: Increased the length of the bounce-back barrier at the beginning by 25%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 15: Decreased the speed of the final two moving platforms." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 15: Decreased speed of the second moving platform by 20%." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 15: Added a wall barrier on one side of the first moving platform to decrease the difficulty of making it across." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • "Hole 13: Increased the height of the first geyser's moving barrier to make it more visible." has been checked off on the "Difficulty Adjustments" checklist.
  • Changed the color of moving platforms.


looking good :wink:

OH MY GOOD GRAVY the changes I never thought I needed but am so happy to hear about.

Whenever someone suggests playing kingdom there is a very loud “NO!” from other people in my shared community. I respect the challenge of the course personally, but I gotta say this is a welcome change for pretty much everyone I play with.

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So the map went from Hard to Medium. :smiley:

@Johanna Is there still going to be some sort of indication of where the moving platform is?

Yeah, the half-circle still spins around on the indicator, there’s just no longer an arrow on top of it.

  • Card has been closed.