I don’t know if this is a thing, but stereos? Like, you can queue up YouTube videos, but it won’t display like a TV, it’ll just play the audio.
I want Disco Ball, Christmas tree back. And the disco ball that was more expensive (cant remember the name, but the price was 12000 GMC i think)
this for sitting around the campfire
Trees, flowers, flowerpots
oh pls, he mentioned what kind of pots, that joke didn’t work
Well if you say so
I was thinking of a feature for Pulser Club and Condo Party. Something like this
Rhythm-based Minigames
You can challenge someone in the Club or in the condo to dance, the length of the track determines how much to play.
Not an item buy it sounds good. You should make it its own suggestion thread so people can actually vote on it
- Placeable Hats and Cosmetics for Condos
- Obama & Trump Cutouts
- Toy/Plushie Shark
- Mini Ballrace Orb
- Planet Panic Themed Plushies
- Soda Can / Bottle Canvases
- Developer Mementos [Portraits, autographs, etc, Like the Sunabouzu Shrine but smaller]
There is a cutout type of canvas to make Obama and Trump cutouts.
If you have played 9 or more hours of GMT you will get a small trophy of a ball race orb, which is close enough to the real (small) thing.
This is sold at vending machines
Well, I feel like an idiot.
Thanks for the info, though.
That’s ok.
I was thinking on different soda cans with different effects:
Energy Drink:
Makes you fast for 15 seconds
Burp Drink:
Makes you burping and randomly jump in the air for 30 seconds
Increase the Jump Heigh for 20 seconds
Makes you Invisible for 1 min
Some sort of grass panels that you can put flat on the ground to create fake grass areas similarly to the wall panels
Inside Chair
Outside Chair with inside colors.
Ship in a Bottle
How did this get in here?
Portable Journals
for shopping lists or petitions or just to write down things as you play, its in your inventory and you can open it whenever you want.
Playable Xylophone
Playable Didgeridoo
Playable Violin
Playable Gong
Playable Spirit Song Flutes (Playable only while holding it)
What? No ukulele?!
Those items sound so useless but if they were real, I would definitely buy them all.