Farm tools and items!
Placeable Pitchforks
Metal Bucket: There could also be a variation in which the bucket has cow like patterns.
Watering Can
Carton of Eggs
Farm tools and items!
Placeable Pitchforks
Watering Can
Would be great for building urban streets or anything like that with:
Could we get the basketball hoop from the nostalgia mini golf map? That would make a great prize in the arcade, but also would work at the toy stop as well.
I would like more items based in the TU universe such as:
A Used or new coaster or napkin with either the casino or Night club logo. New versions could be bought at Rob’s while dirty/used could be fished up?
Plastic lunch box item that the base could be colored and the sticker art is of shop keepers in the plaza or mini/game logos. This could be sold at Rob’s or maybe Fresh? You could also make a glow in the dark version for an arcade prize and have the sticker art be all the game logos or art in the arcade
It would also be cool if we could have a cat sack canvas
Could we get circle currents with a variation of half circle? Kind of like “truss support” item
A monster truck RC would be very fun!
For Halloween one of the haunted cat sacks could have a mimic chest item. It would look like the chest item in game now, but when you open it up it kills you.
Another Halloween/fall item could be a tumble weed item and pet. They could be sold in Rob’s or in the Ghoulcery store.
Other Rob’s items could be a horseshoe item both regular and physics. A brand new lobster trap, you can make a broken version as well or maybe make that a fishing trash item?
A lobster and Parrot plush (both allowing to be colored)
A place-able bucket of popcorn that can be eaten until empty (like other place-able food)
We have a paper wall at DIY, but can we get a paper sliding door please.
Could we please get gates or doors to accompany:
Backyard Fence. Probably a door, but maybe it could have a tall and short variation
Boat Dock Fence. That would be a gate, maybe with a bar latch type of deal
Victorian Fence. A door for sure maybe with double wide option?
Iceberg Lettuce
I have thought of some items that could be added to the Warpzone Arcade in future phases.
Space Shuttle
A Placeable Version of the RC Rocket: Unlike the RC car, boat, and plane in the Toy Stop, the RC Rocket is not currently sold as a condo item.
I have also thought of several items based off the solar system, such as collectible planet plushies, planet themed ball items, and decorative/interactive solar system toys.
Some blankets would be nice.
After all, we have futon sofa and tents.
Or have it as a material. That works too.
I destroyed the 100th vote from the item suggestions megathread.
Now, I’m the 101th person to vote.
Very much yes please for the mirror! I always liked it
Placeable Sports Equipment!
Physics Golf Ball Item
Some of the rock formations from Eruption would be nice to have as variations for the canvas boulder items (especially some of the flat-topped cliffs).
This hourglass shape would be pretty useful too, maybe as a variation for canvas cylinders or something.
other foods in the kitchen (excluding the milk ofc cause its now a item) & pet food would be nice additions to the inventory
also we need a singing fish too
A smooth ‘alt’ model to the Classic Fridge for those who don’t want the large divets on it.
that’s honestly a great suggestion!! i would love to see that cuz i’ve watched cooking shows in friend’s condo before and having that would be perfect for it. lol especially for condos that hosts game shows