Incorrect Answer Found

Minecraft is the most downloaded game. Not Tetris. It used to be Tetris but was surpassed by Minecraft

I was unable to find this question in our verified questions. If I’m able to find it, I’ll remove it.

Thank you for the quick response. I found another wrong answer as well

The question has been removed.

Isn’t that right though? I’m pretty sure the poles geographic orientation and magnetic orientation are swapped,


That’s how it is

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No. That’s a common misconception. Magnetic South is just a couple thousand miles away from Geographic South.

I think the problem is that people have different ideas of how magnets work and the wack definitions of magnetic north/south poles. If the north end of a magnet, like the needle on a compass, is actually north, then it would be attracted to the south.

When looking at diagrams of a bar magnet, the magnetic field line thingies are always shown coming out of the north end of the magnet and looping back round to the south. The same can be seen for diagrams of the Earths magnetic field, where the lines are always (from what I’ve seen) coming from the geographic south pole (magnetic north) and looping around up to the geographic north pole (magnetic south), which is why the needle on a compass is attracted to the northern direction. This is brought up in Essentials of College Physics, Planet Earth, and Static Fields and Potentials.

Another thing about this is the right-hand rule, which I don’t know much about but here’s a quote from the Wikipedia article.

Right-hand rule from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at

“By coincidence, if the thumb is pointing north, Earth rotates in a prograde direction according to the right-hand rule. This causes the Sun, Moon, and stars to appear to revolve westward according to the left-hand rule.”

Also in the link you posted it says “Because opposite poles attract, Earth’s South Magnetic Pole is physically actually a magnetic north pole,” which, from what I can tell, goes along with what I said.