Hello ! Hipster for your sins

About me

aged 20
admin networking jobs
of course gamer
I’ve gf since 7 years now
Real name Dylan

Past with tower unite

I played gmt since 2009 so i see lobby 1 and 2. My fav gamemod was kart but there wasen’t Eu server before.

Other things

Fav game Half-life 2
Fav online game Garry’s mod
Fav séries Games of Thrones
Fav book "Le meillieur des mondes " by Aldous Heuxley
Dc>Marvel :grinning:
Fav movie Star wars: A new Hope
read comics and manga
Fav Band Led Zeppelin
Try to make a games on Unreal engine 4

Thanks for reading this.

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Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay! :raising_hand:

Welcome!! :slight_smile:

Welcome :new_moon_with_face:

Bienvenue dans le forums!

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I you missed few words.

Welcome to our humble community

well thanks !

Bienvenue to the forums!

Welcome to the new tower and forums Hipster! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums and the community @Hipster! Hopefully you’ll like it just how you assumably liked GMod Tower.

welcome to the tower!

WElcome #nonbeliever ; - ) glad you could FINALLY join us!!! Your initiation ceremony begins at 10.30am Thursday morning, i have asked Father Chen to refer you to elder-god, Chauncy. Can’t wait to make a believer out of you!