Have a "Dog fight PVP" minigame arena

Have the new minigame Dog Fight PVP where you into a ring similar to going into snow ball fight arena ring, but this time the Dog Fight arena would have:

  • an empty void but with some clouds.
  • some tiny floating platforms to land.
  • Has a big height of more vertically/altitude to the arena. But a short horizontal range.
  • a barrier limit to where you can only reach within the horizontal or radial arena your in.
  • The Barrier could have a hologram around it like a cylinder?
  • Have a kill box on the bottom air if you fall down deeper similar to hillside condo where you die falling.
  • and some Blimps, Hot Air Balloons and etc to have in outside the background arena.

And the rules to the mechanic and Goal to the Dog Fight are kinda simple would be like:

  • a PVP Battle flying in the air with your “jet packs” permanently on.
  • its timed Battle.
  • using a limited or unlimited jet pack fuel to fly around and land back on a platform.
  • and welding either an RPG, pistol or a sub machine gun.
  • It can only be held with one weapon only.

Lend me some feedback on what guys think about the Dog Fight PVP Minigame idea?

Funny enough, this actually was a thing back in GMT Lobby 1. It was removed before I joined the community, so I’d love to see it return so I can finally try it.

I joined GMT a couple months before they removed it, it was fun.

I didn’t notice that lol. Welp at least it would get a comeback or remake maybe.
That would be interesting.

Just going to bump this to say that TU’s achievement list mentions a Plane Wars plaza minigame.