Guide Book Entries Disappearing From Collectibles Page

I went into my condo to redeem my redeemable items (Always win slots, golden cat sack, ect) and the guide book entries for them under the redeemable tab went back to being blank with “???” as their description.
This is odd, because the units stack entry is still full, with me owning zero, so I assumed all other entries would remain full even if I owned zero at any given time, as long as I got the unlock from a first time pick-up.

I imagine to reproduce it, you 'd just redeem your redeemable and there’s a chance it’d happen to you as well.

I thought after the first pick-up, it would keep the entry unlocked, regardless of whether the item was currently held in your inventory.

If this is completely by design, I apologize, but the inconsistency in the unitz stack entry being full with none in my inventory lead me to suspect it was indeed an unintentional bug.
Thank you for your time and efforts, regardless.