Glow Stick / Billiards Softlock

So recently I was messing around with the new pool tables, and I learned that there’s a small section around each pocket on the pool table where there is no brush blocking physics items. If you throw glow sticks at the pocket at the right angle, and a billiard ball is close enough to the pocket, the two items can interact and send the pool ball shooting off in a random direction.

Unfortunately this means that if you happen to do this with a cue ball while someone else is shooting, you can knock the cue ball off and potentially into another pocket, causing them to scratch before they can shoot. It turns out that this totally locks up the whole table, preventing them from shooting, and such a lockout stays even after the game is forfeit and started again. :crying_cat_face:

To be clear though, this is all by random chance, you’d have to try this for at least an hour to have the luck enough to hit the cue ball into a pocket, but still, it is quite exploitable if someone’s determined enough.

Hello. Thanks for the report.

We’ve been able to reproduce this and are looking into a fix.