Giving others "rights" in your condo and General Condo Player Setting

By implementing rights I mean allowing others to certain functions in your condo. For example, It can allow you to give rights to a player allowing them to edit and place things in your condo making them a collaborate effort. But we should have a global setting for players in your condo that can be changed in the condo settings menu. Heres an example of what I think the settings should look like.

Another suggestion I have is the possibility to mark certain areas with a tool (maybe a line can be drawn on the ground to create an invisible wall) and this could restrict people from going into areas.

I know you might be thinking “what would you ever need that for? Your just a buzz kill.”

An example that this can be used for is if someone was making an aquarium or haunted house in the game they would want players to take a certain path and not jump in the tanks or fly all over for the experience of the condo

Player Rights
Select a person to give editing rights of your condo (There should be some sort of “pop up” with a list of people in the room that you can select from and this setting should be permanent meaning if you close the condo and come back the person should still access until you remove them and you should be able to access the list even if no one is there)
Allowed in Restricted Areas (a reference to the suggestion above) options: Everyone, Friends Only, Players with rights, No one (it should be a drop-down tab where you can select the people who have access)
*Allowed to skip and suggest media * options: Everyone, Friends Only, Players with rights, No one
if the setting isn’t wanted for the condo maybe it can be done per media player?
Allowed to use voice chat options: Everyone, Friends Only, Players with rights, No one
Allowed to turn off/on lights options: Everyone, Friends Only, Players with rights, No one

These settings would be useful to set as a whole or just set for one area of the condo but I feel if you wanted to do one area it could be complicated.

These ARE settings that I have seen some other games like different browser virtual worlds or Minecraft have so i’m not taking credit for making it up on my own but I would love to see these implemented in tower unite and I believe some really creative condos could be made with these settings

The “player rights” aspect of your suggestion is covered with our “community condos” project. You can read more about those features on the Trello card.