General Nitpicking Thread

dude it’s just a joke, and joking on yourself when you’re bad actually helps with being grumpy about it

The top black writing on the vodka bottle is off. Looks very trippy though which is kind of cool


Grand Quest says “SPIN AVAILABLE” like Wheel Of Money, but you aren’t earning spins, you’re earning actions.


Sometimes people in the casino sit backwards in their seats for some reason. Looks very strange lol


do casino credits choice buttons still have their sound removed? :frowning:

The 4th hole from the Kingdom level in Minigolf has grass levitates in midair.



I played Coin River today during the Arcade double ticket event, and I had to nitpick about the 2nd trap door opens and closes lastly from the letter R, while the other trap doors are in perfect sync.

Edit: I also forgot to tell thhat all of these trap doors (once closed) stops the coins from rolling further.


When there are a bunch of people in an online game, the entire game starts lagging and the frame rate skips really bad. Is there a fix for this?

Many out of bounds areas have clipping issues that should be fixed.

you should make a bug report for this. this isnt a bug thread.

Ok. I will do that.

I made a little drawing when the grass should be sticking to the ground.

thank you for the detailed visualization of a possible solution.


No problem :+1:

This is a known issue, performance will always scale inversely with the number of players, but reducing the impact of that is always a long term goal. One of the things we’ve done in the past are throttle animation rates when there a lot of players in the plaza. There’s still a bunch of stuff though like reducing networking, more optimized player models, and so on that we’d like to do in the future, but we have to balance that with updates that keep people engaged, bug fixes, and so on.


TL;DR I have my own issue since I still had 700 MB of Texture VRAM usage that refuses to change, darker high quality shaders (moslty on slot machines at the casino), low numbered of particles (like the water jets, fireworks, gold glitters, etc.). It just make me feel that I’m really an unlucky Tower Uniter player with performance issues.

Oh, and lag spikes when I’m logging in the US server with the most people.

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The Shrine needs a rework. The candles and petals look, frankly, like crap compared to newer items, and especially for one of the more expensive furniture items in the game.


Why is the not-yet-opened kiosk blocked by the walls?
It would look pretty without them. Nothing wrong with it not being opened yet, would look way better than when being enclosed with big ass yellow walls lol


I think there should be more than one variant of this sign based on how genuinely “Soon” anything is coming, and/or how far into development it is. That, or at the very least these should be periodically moved/removed as development priorities change.

This one is probably the single most insane example, as the Dueling Arena building has been sitting here, with this “COMING SOON” sign…for YEARS on end now.
Not only that, but I’m noticing that there has been inconsistency. Nowadays, if something is genuinely coming soon (or at least, soon-ish), it does not have this sign, and is instead blocked off with bright yellow walls (which IMO is worse as it creates unnecessary clutter, considering the thing behind said walls is already quite pretty looking and fully modeled).

TL;DR: Please either add variants of the “COMING SOON” sign based on how far away things REALLY are, or at the very least get rid of the ones in front of things which are not, in fact, “coming soon”.