Funny thing I discovered about GMT

Video speaks for itself.


wow that’s pretty cool @bumpy226 , i never knew that, guess thats what galaxy came from @bumpy226
thanks @bumpy226 for showing this cool thing!!!

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:100: :ok_hand:

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Epic. Seriously.


I’ve spoken with Will about how he makes the music and sometimes it can take him years to finalize a piece of music he’s been composing and sometimes it can take him a couple months.

He’ll work on tracks piece by piece, while also doing other pieces of tracks to get him in the mood for the previous song again. It’s a crazy amount of work and persistence.


That’s awesome

Cool to see that the song wasn’t wasted and was improved and fully made for galaxy, was there any other situations like this where songs were in gmod tower as doorbells and in ended up getting improved on and added in TU or ended up becoming full songs?


hey guys welcome to my gmt doorbell ringing showcase
now this one sounds a bit like t h e f u t u r e


I don’t know what’s going on because my anti virus blocked the video and flagged it as Trojan.

It shows how the music from GLXY is an extended version of one of GMT’s condo doorbell sounds


Oh my god, I’ve been looking for that doorbell sample since GMT closed down! I noticed the melody as well in GLXY.

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