Difficulty choose

like i said in minigolf you should let people decide the difficulty that they want[difficulty list:easy ,medium,hard and insane

What would determine that? I mean, the map can’t change


ok i know its been years but tbh idk its been years since i made this, maybe in singleplayer you could make the par change? idk

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Makes sense, thanks for the fast response

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tbh im kinda surprised your still here

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I’m not surprised. He’s basically one of the OGs here. He’s been very active here for years now. He joined not long after me, if I’m not mistaken. Way back in the early days of this site.

Edit: I’m honestly way more surprised that you’re still here. That was probably the most unexpected necro I’ve seen here. Lol

yea i just decided to play tower unite again after a while and saw the suggestions button and saw this

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