Destroy the picture above you

Cool broken picture. I don’t even need my own picture to destroy what’s already broken.

Yeah, Good luck getting that through the postage system.

And Now… I shall counter myself with an even more un-winnable situation!

Countering Yourself? How embarrassing.

nothing can stop the platyborg

Fool! Your platy-borg is no match for my…


Too bad they’re stuck together.

Well, just wash it off with some water!

That water MIGHT dissolve the gorilla glue, if I didn’t cover the glue with some of THIS!

Did I win?

bout to tear it off

Don’t punch me for this, that would be rude.

i hope youre happy, i removed the /gallery of the original and added a jpg and it was bad

Fight me

put that on it again

Oh no, the warehouse where they keep all the flex tape!

This still exists.

This still exists.