Destroy the picture above you

Broken modem


We can fix that problem…

Always buy more wire than you need!

Where am I going to get all of this stuff?


A warehouse. Where else?

Looks like these aren’t in stores.

2 Likes,320.jpg

How am I supposed to follow these instructions?

Start by finding an appropriate guide.


What do you mean proper guide?

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Computers getting more advanced with time.,300.gif
Why would you need a Old Console? This is the era of hybrid consoles.

I swear to god if someone posts playstation…

The Xbox got an “upgrade”…

HA! You call that an upgrade!? Try gaming at 16K with a silky smooth 60 FPS.

Remember that an investment like that can be destroyed in the blink of an eye. It’s unfortunate, but it can still happen to anyone.

As long as you have a warranty, there’s no worries!

By the way, is that picture of all the computer monitors real? I can imagine that being kinda bad for your eyes.

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IT EXPIRED! Now what you’re gonna do?

I’m just gonna buy myself a time machine.