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how to blend an egg

while he accidentally clicked into a porn condo on the Tower Unite server list

Brad Pitt kicks down the door and looks at him as if to say…

i really would like you to immediately do not continue participating in your actions

and pick you up then get you out of the place before you do natty things

"Wait, you’re not Brad Pitt, You’re-

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [Continue]

oh hey my phone is vibrating, i wonder what it is

its rewind time [continue]

“lol its just your mum, she said if im with her loser failure of a son”
(edit you did that while i was typing so im not taking this back)

“Will Smith is my mom?”


“ahhh that’s hot”

“1 hour later on the bed with Will Smith”

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I really like spaghetti rolls ‘‘he said very angrily’’

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this highly alarmed the dolphins that had materialised around them, and they started default dancing to show will smith they meant business.

“yaaaah, it’s rewind time” Will smith shouted as he used the time stone to rewind time

it failed and asked him to try again later

Then out of nowhere came macdguy came and shot the dolphins

and missed every shot because hes working on arcade while firing