Camera view points at sky on all games, condo and plaza (solved)

OK this is just plain odd.

A few days ago I went AFK for a while after a bowling game, When I came back my camera view was pointing at the ceiling and I could not do anything to fix it. I logged out of the server (London), logged into another one and the camera was still stuck skywards.

Logged out again, and tried mini-golf. Same thing, only now the camera got stuck skywards after the first shot, everything beforehand was OK. I could move the mouse and force the camera when I wanted, but as soon as I took a shot the camera pointed to the sky.

I restarted the game and it then worked.


Today I have tried mini golf, my condo and the plaza and each time the camera is stuck skywards. Restarting the game is not fixing it this time. Moving the mouse does not allow me to change the camera at all.

Have tried another mouse, still the same problem. No other game has this issue including FPS games eg TF2 and no-one else, as far as I can tell has reported this, so anyone any ideas?

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Have you got a controller plugged in? Someone came here with the same issue before and it turned out they had a controller connected that was forcing their camera upwards.

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Well I’ll be. Yep that was it, its an Xbox controller and removing it fixes the problem, plugged it in and the camera goes skywards again.

Can’t see anything obvious in the controllers’s settings, no strange movement when I’m not pushing the sticks but will try re-installing the drivers and see if that fixes the problem.

Many thanks for the suggestion, wonder why other games aren’t affected?

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The other games just might not have controller support enabled by default like Tower does.
However, if it’s doing this without you actually pushing the stick then there might actually be an issue with the game. Try updating your drivers and see if that resolves anything :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there,

Well I don’t understand this but removing and re-installing (perhaps they were updated) the xbox controller drivers has fixed the issue and - thankfully - not broken anything else.

Many thanks for the help.


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