Bring back the old tabs

Please put the tabs back how they were ;[ they looked better before.

I personally think that the new ones are better!


I think they look fine on the Inventory, Help, and Settings screens but on the Play and Appearance screens, they’re hideously ugly. On the Inventory, Help, and Settings screens there’s that gray bar right under them which frames them up nicely but on the Play and Appearance screens, they’re just randomly floating there, not connected to anything. If the Play and Appearance screens were laid out like the other 3 screens (with the gray box taking up most of the screen and the tabs at the top) it would look great.


The play screen will have global chat and it will flush at the top again once it does. The appearance editor UI has been due for a redesign for a year now. It is probably the ugliest UI we have in our game at the moment


Sweet ty for the update mate!

Ah, good to know then.