Bonus time/chance suggestion upon scores gained

TLDR: to address the fact of the client-side physical limits just in case; or to let the games more challenging for the players to go for the leaderboard.

for the games below:

  1. bug bytes
  2. whack-a-mole
  3. super hoopers
  4. avalanche
  5. skeeball
  6. the offering
  7. ring god
  8. newton’s apples
  9. planetary piano
bug bytes

once the timer is 15 seconds or below, a bonus session is triggered. every red bytes hit gives you 2 extra seconds, whereas green ones forfeit 1. the timer won’t go above 15 seconds thereafter.

whack a mole

same as above, bonus session will have double the points gained.

super hoopers

when the time remaining is 15 seconds or below, 5 additional seconds every 5 successful hits.


15 additional seconds per 220 points gained.


add one more ball, totalling 5; you get an additional 5 seconds every 15k points gained, maximum time remaining with bonus is 30 seconds.

the offering

by hitting 300, 500 respectively, you instantly receive 3, 5 bonus seconds, and 3, 4 balls. maximum balls on hold is 16, and the time remaining will never go beyond 40 seconds.

ring god

when the timer is 20 seconds or below, excluding bonus points, every 60 points gained grant you an additional second; timer won’t go above 20 thereafter.

newton's apples

you can play again for free by hitting 40 or above apples. tickets gained are stacked.

planetary piano

every 100 notes hit grant you a chance to miss once, can only be stacked once (totalling 2). no penalties nor scores provided per wrong hits. game ends upon a wrong hit and that chance is unavailable.