Ban the member above you (A fun game)

wegen Irrtums verboten

Забанен из-за немецкого перевода

banned due to russian translation

Banned for not celebrating Denmarkus’s Birthday


Un-Banned for Celebrating my birthday


Banned for attempting reverse psychology which I know is gonna fail.

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Banned for being smart and cool

Banned for overuse of that ban message

Banned for banning someone for falling the rules of this game

Banned for NOT banning someone for falling the rules of this game

Banned for [invalid]

banned for [redacted]

Banned for waking me up from my banning hibernation!

Banned for sleeping

banned for for’nt sleeping

Banned for promoting sleep

banned for promoting’nt sleep

Banned for getting a Rupoor, meaning you lost 10 Rupees.

banned for making up lies

banned for being a lie detector